Enabling Cities and Municipalities to Scope Emerging Technologies
This interactive workshop, hosted by Eurocities, will help identify and understand the most interesting emerging technologies in a city context. Participants will have the opportunity to test our innovation method for understanding technology trends, assessing strategic implications, and identifying the necessary preconditions for technology adoption in their cities.
As this workshop is designed for approximately 30 participants, we would encourage you to register at the link below to make sure you have a spot on the day - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Cokv0QqVgEaMp1o28Iic00reU0MHwGFPvlHtYKLIWtFURFNGRkVMUzlFMVg3SlFURUtPSzVPVFk5Sy4u
This interactive workshop, hosted by Eurocities, will help identify and understand the most interesting emerging technologies in a city context. Participants will have the opportunity to test our innovation method for understanding technology trends, assessing strategic implications, and identifying the necessary preconditions for technology adoption in their cities.
As this workshop is designed for approximately 30 participants, we would encourage you to register at the link below to make sure you have a spot on the day - https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=Cokv0QqVgEaMp1o28Iic00reU0MHwGFPvlHtYKLIWtFURFNGRkVMUzlFMVg3SlFURUtPSzVPVFk5Sy4u