Cheryll Case

Founder and Executive Director | CP Planning Toronto, Canada
Cheryll Case


Cheryll Case is the Founder and Executive Director of CP Planning, a Toronto-based non-profit advancing a human rights approach to urban planning. She leads the co-design and implementation of community-led strategies, aligning investments to uphold marginalized people's rights to good housing, jobs, and living standards.


Thematic Roundtable | TOMORROW.BUILDING

What Can Innovative Urban Planning Do for City Living?

May al-Ibrashy
May al-Ibrashy Megawra-Built Environment Collective Founder and Chair Chair
Cheryll Case
Cheryll Case CP Planning Founder and Executive Director Speaker
Oriol Estela Barnet
Oriol Estela Barnet Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona General Coordinator Speaker
Codruț Papina
Codruț Papina URBASOFIA Urban and Lanscape Planner Speaker
Pedro Folgado
Pedro Folgado President of the ‘Smart Cities’ municipalities section National Association of Portuguese Municipalities (ANMP) Speaker

#Urban Design, #Urban Infrastructure

05-11-2024 11:20 05-11-2024 12:10 Europe/Madrid What Can Innovative Urban Planning Do for City Living?

How can urban planning prioritize community well-being, cater to the diverse needs of residents, and enhance the overall city-living experience? This roundtable focuses on the power of urban planning and landscaping in promoting sustainable, equitable, and resilient cities. Discussions will analyze innovative trends in city planning and strategies to address current challenges, providing a platform for urban innovators to share experiences related to building inclusive and resilient cities.

This session will feature the participation of our global partners NOVA IMS

Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room
Tue 5 11:20h - 12:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Tomorrow.Building Room Tomorrow.Building & Full Congress passes

Early Bird ends soon

Get in contact before prices go up! Early Bird rates for exhibitors end 31 January.