Irene Hermosa-Ramírez

Postdoctoral Researcher | TraDiLex Research Group (UPF) / AccessCat Network Barcelona, Spain
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez


Irene Hermosa-Ramírez, PhD in Translation and Intercultural Studies (Autonomous University of Barcelona), is a postdoctoral researcher working for the UNIVAC project (Sensory accessibility at the Spanish university: current needs and prospective solutions) at Pompeu Fabra University (UPF). She is member of the AccessCat Network.


Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO

Accessible Communication in Culture and Higher Education for a Livable City

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez
Irene Hermosa-Ramírez TraDiLex Research Group (UPF) / AccessCat Network Postdoctoral Researcher Speaker

#Cities for All, #Digital Rights, #Education, #Physical Inclusion, #Social Inclusion

07-11-2024 09:35 07-11-2024 09:45 Europe/Madrid Accessible Communication in Culture and Higher Education for a Livable City

Livable cities entail full participation in all areas of life for people with disabilities. In spite of the many efforts that have been made in this regard, ableism is still pervasive in areas such as higher education and the arts, with students and academics facing attitudinal barriers, invisible work and a lack of accessibility literacy. A number of solutions for these mostly easy to overcome barriers are put forward.

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Thu 7 09:35h - 09:45h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes