Jacqueline Lu

Founder & CEO | Helpful Places Toronto, Canada
Jacqueline Lu


Jacqueline Lu is a leader in smart cities with more than two decades of public service and technology implementation experience. She leads Helpful Places, a mission-driven start-up that helps organizations pilot and roll out new technologies in ways that are transparent, legible, and enable civic dialogue with residents.


Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO

Shaping the Digital Future Ethically

Jacqueline Lu
Jacqueline Lu Helpful Places Founder & CEO Speaker
Shin Sang-jin
Shin Sang-jin Seongnam City Mayor Speaker

#Cybersecurity, #Data Protection, #Digital Rights

05-11-2024 11:20 05-11-2024 12:05 Europe/Madrid Shaping the Digital Future Ethically

When used for city services, do advanced technologies guarantee data protection and facilitate digital trust? How are governments responding to the consequences of implementing new technologies in urban living? This session will reflect on the evolving relationships between citizens and technology, discuss the evolution of threats like cyberattacks, fake news, and digital bias, and debate regulation in the digital age.

Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room
Tue 5 11:20h - 12:05h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass


We're celebrating #MobilityWeek with 25% off all passes until 22 Sept. Grab yours today!
