Jochem Cooiman

Digital Innovation Officer | City of Rotterdam Rotterdam, Netherlands
Jochem Cooiman


Strategist for CIO of Rotterdam. Works on the digital transformation in Rotterdam. Explores the latest strategic technologies and is part of the innovation Network Rotterdam. Is actively engaged in Europe's large city network, Eurocities.


Thematic Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO

Delivering an Inclusive Urban Digital Transformation

Chiara Venturini
Chiara Venturini Eurocities Head of Digital Transformation and Economic Development Chair
Jochem Cooiman
Jochem Cooiman City of Rotterdam Digital Innovation Officer Speaker
Sophie Woodville
Sophie Woodville Bordeaux Métropole Digital Program Manager Speaker
Mieke van Schaik
Mieke van Schaik City of Eindhoven Programme Director European Affairs Speaker
Stefan De Smet
Stefan De Smet City of Ghent CIO Stad Gent and CEO District09 Speaker

#Agile Services, #APP Solutions, #Connectivity, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Rights, #GovTech, #IOT, #IT Governance, #Regulations

Wed 6 17:00h - 17:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Red Room Full Congress Pass