Karem Labrador Araujo

Executive director | Colombia Líder Bogotá, Colombia
Karem Labrador Araujo


Profesional en Finanzas y Relaciones Internacionales, especialista en Cooperación Internacional y Gestión de Proyectos y magíster en Gobierno y Políticas Públicas. Consultora y conferencista internacional en temas de gestión territorial y comunicación política. Directora de Colombia Líder, entidad que evalúa la gestión de alcaldes y gobernadores.



Productive and Sustainable Cities to Live and Work

Karem Labrador Araujo
Karem Labrador Araujo Colombia Líder Executive director Chair
Oriol Balaguer
Oriol Balaguer KKH Property Investors Private executive advisor Speaker
Aníbal Gaviria
Aníbal Gaviria Deparment of Antioquia Former Governor Speaker

#Innovation Ecosystems

07-11-2024 11:00 07-11-2024 11:40 Europe/Madrid Productive and Sustainable Cities to Live and Work

Cities have become the production centers of the 21st century. This panel tries to highlight the productive and sustainable dimension of cities as levers for urban transformation and improving the well-being of the population, reaffirming the importance today of public innovation, sustainability and inclusion for the implementation of different initiatives, that developed in these cities and pointing out the challenges they face.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Thu 7 11:00h - 11:40h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass