Kristina Sinemus

Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation | State of Hesse Wiesbaden, Germany
Kristina Sinemus


Since January 18th of 2019 Prof. Kristina Sinemus has been Hessian’s first Minister for Digitalization and Innovation. Prior to that, Prof. Sinemus was the managing director and founder of the consulting agency „Genius“. Genius sees itself as a service provider at the interface of science, business and society. From 2014 to 2019 Prof. Sinemus was t


High-Level Roundtable | SMART CITY EXPO

Beyond Access: Emerging Tech for Inclusive City Living

Kristina Sinemus
Kristina Sinemus State of Hesse Minister for Digitalisation and Innovation Speaker

#Digital Equality, #Digital Rights, #Urban Tech

05-11-2024 16:00 05-11-2024 16:45 Europe/Madrid Beyond Access: Emerging Tech for Inclusive City Living

The future of inclusive city living relies on leveraging the latest technological tools to enhance affordability, inclusivity, and access in urban areas. Cities are increasingly embracing diversity, ensuring fairness, and fostering social cohesion through tech-driven solutions. However, as the urban landscape evolves, challenges like the digital divide and systemic inequalities persist. Can technology successfully bridge these gaps and create truly inclusive cities?

Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium
Tue 5 16:00h - 16:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Auditorium Full Congress & Tomorrow.Mobility & Tomorrow.Building Passes


We're celebrating #MobilityWeek with 25% off all passes until 22 Sept. Grab yours today!
