Marc Guerrero

Head of Mobility - Innovation Business | i2CAT Internet Research Centre Barcelona, Spain
Marc Guerrero


Marc Guerrero is a Computer Engineer with a focus on business, currently Head of Mobility and Business Innovation at i2CAT Foundation.Marc drives R&D&I collaboration with companies to develop innovative solutions of connected, safe and sustainable mobility. Marc is passionate about technology and a strong advocate of sustainability.


Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO

From Research to Reality: Welcome To The Future of mobility

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Marc Guerrero
Marc Guerrero i2CAT Internet Research Centre Head of Mobility - Innovation Business Speaker

#5G, #Artificial Intelligence, #Autonomous and Connected Vehicles, #Cybersecurity, #Digital Twins, #Mobility Data Spaces, #Smart Traffic Management

07-11-2024 15:15 07-11-2024 15:25 Europe/Madrid From Research to Reality: Welcome To The Future of mobility

In a world where your vehicle not only drives, how can a research centre like us catalyze your innovation? Widen your moat by winning the first mover advantage
Let’s design the future of mobility together!

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Thu 7 15:15h - 15:25h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes

Early Bird ends soon

Get in contact before prices go up! Early Bird rates for exhibitors end 31 January.