Mathias Hummel

Director of digital commons. | Bordeaux Métropole Bordeaux , France
Mathias Hummel


Mathias Hummel is director of digital commons - Bordeaux Métropole



Responsible Digital: What Citizen Policies?

Bertrand Serp
Bertrand Serp Toulouse Métropole Vice-president of Toulouse metropolis in charge of digital transition, co-chair of France urbaine’s digital commission Speaker
Florent Cholat
Florent Cholat Grenoble Alpes Métropole Delegated representative of Grenoble metropolis, in charge of digital development and digital innovation Speaker
Mathias Hummel
Mathias Hummel Bordeaux Métropole Director of digital commons. Speaker
Geoffroy Boulard
Geoffroy Boulard Greater Paris Metropolis Vice-president of the Greater Paris Metropolis Speaker

#5G, #Algorithm Ethics, #Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms

05-11-2024 17:25 05-11-2024 18:10 Europe/Madrid Responsible Digital: What Citizen Policies?

As French cities and metropolitan areas must define an environmental strategy for digital policies by 2025, how are they addressing digital policies with citizens ? In the context of deploying AI in public services, how cities and metropolitan areas are making digital issues a matter of public debate ? For which use cases ? How are cities working in 2024 to raise awareness about digital usage and equipment?

Hall 2 | Green Agora
Tue 5 17:25h - 18:10h Hall 2 | Green Agora All passes