Milene Pardo Figueroa

Sustainability Specialist | Mitiga Barcelona, Spain
Milene Pardo Figueroa


Mitiga Solutions is at the forefront of providing innovative climate risk intelligence tools designed to empower cities and urban planners in their efforts to adapt to the challenges posed by climate change.



Startup Pitches – Data-Driven Solutions for Livable Cities

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Moderator/Presenter
Miren Soto
Miren Soto Nästa Cofounder Speaker
Milene Pardo Figueroa
Milene Pardo Figueroa Mitiga Sustainability Specialist Speaker
Tiago Marques
Tiago Marques Greenmetrics CEO & Co-founder Speaker
Pablo Jose Hyam Borrachero
Pablo Jose Hyam Borrachero Optynamics SL Msc Civil Engineer Speaker
Christoph Klocker
Christoph Klocker Citymonitor CEO Speaker
Mikal Løvik
Mikal Løvik EQON CEO Speaker
Anne Marieke Eveleens
Anne Marieke Eveleens The Great Bubble Barrier Co-founder & Chief Business Development Speaker
George Dzhgarkava
George Dzhgarkava Ursa Robotics Founder Speaker

#Cleantech, #Climate Tech, #Data Analytics, #Energy Transition

05-11-2024 14:45 05-11-2024 15:30 Europe/Madrid Startup Pitches – Data-Driven Solutions for Livable Cities

Data analytics startups are helping cities become more livable by using sensors and real-time data to monitor climate risk, energy use, traffic patterns, pollution, and waste collection, leading to smarter urban planning and resource management. These startups look at the data up close and make it personal.

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Tue 5 14:45h - 15:30h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes

Urban Innovators Startup Awards

Oriol Pascual
Oriol Pascual S2 Xpeed CEO Moderator/Presenter
Alba Carandell
Alba Carandell Benito Urban - Ona Capital Operations Speaker
Xavier Ribas
Xavier Ribas EVARM Speaker
Mikal Løvik
Mikal Løvik EQON CEO Speaker
Anne Marieke Eveleens
Anne Marieke Eveleens The Great Bubble Barrier Co-founder & Chief Business Development Speaker
Jaime De Andrés Gracia
Jaime De Andrés Gracia Biodata bank Country Representative - Spain Speaker
Milene Pardo Figueroa
Milene Pardo Figueroa Mitiga Sustainability Specialist Speaker
Elsa Rivoire Luciani
Elsa Rivoire Luciani LInamar Innovation Lead Speaker
Marta Campillo
Marta Campillo Abac Nest Principal Speaker
Ricardo Zapatero
Ricardo Zapatero Repsol Corporate Venturing Speaker
David Kempfner
David Kempfner SURVIOT Business Development Manager Speaker

#Deep Learning, #IOT, #Robotics, #Sensoring, #Smart Devices

06-11-2024 16:30 06-11-2024 17:15 Europe/Madrid Urban Innovators Startup Awards

Six finalists amongst all startups present at SCEWC Innovation Playground will be competing for the Urban Innovators Startup Award. The session consist of pitches by the selected finalists, and an award ceremony.

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Wed 6 16:30h - 17:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes

Early Bird ends soon

Get in contact before prices go up! Early Bird rates for exhibitors end 31 January.