Noel Hacegaba

Chief Operating Officer | Port of Long Beach Long Beach, United States of America
Noel Hacegaba



How to Create a Thriving and Adaptable Port in a Changing and Unpredictable World

Sasha Twining
Sasha Twining The Corporate Facilitator Journalist Moderator/Presenter
Marius Suteu
Marius Suteu Lloyd's Register Head of Emerging Opportunities Speaker
Jordi Torrent
Jordi Torrent Port of Barcelona Head of Strategy Speaker
Tim Power
Tim Power Drewry Managing Director Speaker
Noel Hacegaba
Noel Hacegaba Port of Long Beach Chief Operating Officer Speaker

05-11-2024 12:20 05-11-2024 13:05 Europe/Madrid How to Create a Thriving and Adaptable Port in a Changing and Unpredictable World

Supply chains have proven vulnerable, as evidenced by events such as the extreme drought in the Panama Canal early this year, the COVID-19 pandemic, the crisis in the Red Sea, and more. With extreme weather patterns and rising sea levels increasingly linked to climate change, alongside political crises and geopolitical conflicts, there is a growing concern over how these issues will impact international maritime transit. In light of these challenges, what tools can we leverage to mitigate these effects? What best practices should be embraced? Are there disruptive solutions on the horizon to minimize disturbances?

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora
Tue 5 12:20h - 13:05h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes