Paolo Nesi

CTO | Snap4City, DISIT Lab, University of Florence Florence, Italy
Paolo Nesi


Prof. Eng. PhD Paolo Nesi at University of Florence, Chair of DISIT Lab of UNIFI, and chair of, official platform FIWARE, EOSC, Library on Node-RED, etc. P. Nesi main research topics are: big data analytics, AI/XAI, IoT, Cloud, security and privacy. He has been coordinator of many large international actions.


Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO

Snap4City for Mobility and Transport and Tourism Management

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Paolo Nesi
Paolo Nesi Snap4City, DISIT Lab, University of Florence CTO Speaker

#Artificial Intelligence, #City Platforms, #Data Integration, #Data Management, #Digital Twins, #Platform as Service

07-11-2024 10:05 07-11-2024 10:15 Europe/Madrid Snap4City for Mobility and Transport and Tourism Management

Snap4City manages multiple domains in the city/area operating system enabling Digital Twin, operation, management, plan and strategic views for mobility and transport, tourism, security, etc. Cities are rapidly transforming their services to address societal and environmental challenges. Verticals are progressively replaced by solutions capable of exploiting a huge range of data channels, via Artificial Intelligence, and cross exploiting data.

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Thu 7 10:05h - 10:15h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes

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Get in contact before prices go up! Early Bird rates for exhibitors end 31 January.