Pieterjan de Smet

Founder & Managging Partner | Tracked Aalter, Belgium
Pieterjan de Smet


I'm Pieterjan de Smet. Managing Partner of Tracked, which is a startup under the Belgium Cronos Group. Tracked is a go-to partner to guide companies on their journey towards a connected, sustainable future. From compliance with the EU Green Deal standards to full-scale implementation and enabling the physical internet vision.



Start-ups Leading Sustainable Maritime Innovation

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Henry Hooper
Henry Hooper Metarina CEO & Co-Founder Speaker
Johann Dorval
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Paul Hugenholtz
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José María Jiménez
José María Jiménez ICTYS CEO Speaker
Francesco Pititto
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Pau Guasch
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Marta Miquel
Marta Miquel Escola Europea Intermodal Chief Business Officer Speaker
Orlando Reveco
Orlando Reveco Escola Europea Intermodal Digital Product Manager Speaker
Noelia Ortega
Noelia Ortega Centro Tecnológico Naval y del Mar CEO and Director Speaker
Caspar Curvers
Caspar Curvers UTURN Head of Business Development Speaker
Pieterjan de Smet
Pieterjan de Smet Tracked Founder & Managging Partner Speaker
Bart Adams
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David Rodés
David Rodés Ocean Ecostructures CDO Speaker
Oriol Milà
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Rafa Sánchez
Rafa Sánchez Vortex International Business Development Director Europe Speaker
Alejandro Samaniego
Alejandro Samaniego Titanium Technology CEO Speaker

Tue 5 16:50h - 18:00h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.BlueEconomy Agora All Passes