Rosa Arias

CEO and Founder | Science for Change Barcelona, Spain
Rosa Arias


Chemical Engineer, with extensive experience in odour pollution management and citizen science. She coordinates several H2020 projects. Is the creator of OdourCollect App and Founder of Science for Change, whose mission is to bring science closer to society to address territorial challenges, promote social innovations and inform public policies.



Co-design in citizen science & software development for the Blue Economy

Raül Toran
Raül Toran ISGlobal Outreach Manager Chair
Rosa Arias
Rosa Arias Science for Change CEO and Founder Speaker
Berta Companys
Berta Companys Institut de Ciències del Mar (ICM-CSIC) Use Case Coordinator at ANERIS Project Speaker

#Biodiversity, #Co-creation

07-11-2024 13:25 07-11-2024 13:45 Europe/Madrid Co-design in citizen science & software development for the Blue Economy

Exploring how co-design enhances research and development, especially in citizen science and observatories within the Blue Economy, fostering inclusive scientific innovation. First, Cos4Cloud's methodology highlights the development of software customized to community needs. Next, the ANERIS project focuses on advancing scientific tools and methods for marine life-sensing and monitoring, exemplifying co-design in marine biology.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Thu 7 13:25h - 13:45h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass