Sacha Stolp

Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets | City of Amsterdam Amsterdam, Netherlands
Sacha Stolp


Sacha is since 2018 Director of Innovation. in this role it is her task to prepare the existing city and the urban management task to the consequences of climate change, energy and raw material transition and the on-going development of AI. Innovations like Smartroof 2.0, Urban Photosyntesis and CitySports are some of several pilot projects realize


Thematic keynote | SMART CITY EXPO

Growing trees to fight the climate crisis: in Andalucia and the World

Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Chair
Felix Finkbeiner
Felix Finkbeiner Plant for the Planet Founder Speaker

05-11-2024 12:35 05-11-2024 12:55 Europe/Madrid Growing trees to fight the climate crisis: in Andalucia and the World

Building resilient and smart cities requires integrating nature into urban ecosystems, with trees playing a pivotal role. Trees enhance air quality and mitigate the impacts of the climate crisis. Their shade lowers surface temperatures and fosters healthier communities. By prioritizing urban forests, cities can create resilient and liveable environments to face future challenges. This session will discuss Plant-for-the-Planet’s Green Belt project in Granada, a new ecosystem of native species for the city.

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Tue 5 12:35h - 12:55h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass

Climate-Proofing Cities: Towards Greener Public Spaces

Sacha Stolp
Sacha Stolp City of Amsterdam Director of Innovation for Future Roof Assets Chair
Yogita Popat
Yogita Popat Socitm-MCE/London Borough of Barnet Programme Director, Culture and Sustainability/Vice-President SOCITM Speaker
Yann Mareschal
Yann Mareschal Bordeaux Métropole Innovation Project Manager Speaker

#Air Quality, #Ecology, #Green Spaces

05-11-2024 13:25 05-11-2024 14:10 Europe/Madrid Climate-Proofing Cities: Towards Greener Public Spaces

The effects of the climate emergency are disrupting our urban lifestyles. How can cities integrate environmental considerations into urban development to create more resilient, livable, and sustainable public spaces? How do green spaces in cities contribute to improving the quality of life for residents, fostering community engagement, ensuring accessibility and safety, and enhancing mental and physical well-being?

Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room
Tue 5 13:25h - 14:10h Hall 3 | Congress: Green Room Full Congress Pass


We're celebrating #MobilityWeek with 25% off all passes until 22 Sept. Grab yours today!
