Santiago Royo

Director | UPC-CD6 Terrassa, Spain
Santiago Royo


Santiago Royo, PhD, is full professor at UPC and VP of Business Development of Beamagine (2016, Barcelona), a company devoted to the development and commercialization of novel 3D electrooptic vision systems based on lidar imaging. He has been founder of 3 spin-off companies and holds 24 patents, 18 of them licensed to 5 different companies.


Research Academy | SMART CITY EXPO

A Multimodal Data Collection Vehicle for AV Algorithm Development Based on Data Fusion

John Biggs
John Biggs Baker Hall Capital Founder Master of Ceremonies
Santiago Royo
Santiago Royo UPC-CD6 Director Speaker

#Algorithms, #Artificial Intelligence, #Deep Learning, #Digital Modelling, #Digital Twins, #Edge Computing, #Robotics, #Safety & Security, #Sensoring

07-11-2024 09:50 07-11-2024 10:00 Europe/Madrid A Multimodal Data Collection Vehicle for AV Algorithm Development Based on Data Fusion

Autonomous vehicles still need progress towards algorithms for perception in all-environmental conditions (e.g.bad weather). Data collection in such conditions needs complex equipment hard to set-up. At UPC-CD6 ( we have built an instrumented car with multiple imaging modes (3D+2D) for mapping and sensor testing uses, and to build a publc dataset of driving scenarios to develop DL perception algorithms based on data fusion

Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora
Thu 7 09:50h - 10:00h Hall 3 | Innovation Playground Agora All passes