Willem van Heijningen

Strategist | Department of Public Space and Mobility Amsterdam, Netherlands
Willem van Heijningen


Willem van Heijningen is Strategist at Department of Public Space and Mobility for the City of Amsterdam. He works on the wide variety of challenges that the city and especially public space and urban mobility is confronted with: increasing pressure on space, social issues and, of course, sustainability and climate adaptation.



Challenges for Cities on Mobility. What Kind of SMART we Need?

Servaz van Berkum
Servaz van Berkum DTAM Moderator Moderator/Presenter
Fabio Nussio
Fabio Nussio Service Mobility Agency for the City of Rome Responsible of External and International Cooperation Speaker
Adrià Gomila
Adrià Gomila Barcelona City Council Mobility Services Director Speaker
Willem van Heijningen
Willem van Heijningen Department of Public Space and Mobility Strategist Speaker

#Mobility Data Spaces, #Public Transport, #Shared Mobility, #Zero-Emission

06-11-2024 09:30 06-11-2024 10:15 Europe/Madrid Challenges for Cities on Mobility. What Kind of SMART we Need?

Representatives of European cities will discuss their challenges and needs in terms of mobility and will dialogue with companies to strengthen collaboration and work together to achieve their objectives.

Check the program at the following link here.

Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora
Wed 6 09:30h - 10:15h Hall 2 | Tomorrow.Mobility Agora All passes